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【Updated 2012/11/19】

出願期間:平成25年 2月4日(月)2月12日(火)

(1)インターネット出願確認票 1 通
(2)写真 (縦4cm×横3cm)    1枚
(3)修了(見込)証明書      1通
(4)調査書(成績証明書)    1通
(6)検定料振込受領書(コピー可)1枚 ※本学企画入学課で支払いの方は、必要ありません。





出願期間 平成22年 8月16日(月)~8月23日(月)<消印有効>
試験日 平成22年 9月 1日(水)
合格発表日 平成22年 9月10日(金)
入学手続締切日 平成22年 9月29日(水)<消印有効>
延納者手続締切日 平成23年 3月17日(木)<消印有効>
出願期間 平成22年 8月16日(月)~8月23日(月)<消印有効>
第1次試験日 平成22年 9月 1日(水)
第1次試験合格発表日 平成22年 9月10日(金)
第2次試験日 平成23年 2月 8日(火)
合格発表日 平成23年 2月11日(金)
入学手続締切日 平成23年 2月23日(水)<消印有効>
延納者手続締切日 平成23年 3月17日(木)<消印有効>

英 語(60分)

【Updated 2012/11/19】

Master/Doctoral Program
Graduate School of Engineering, Course of Information and Computer sciences
Application Date: Feb. 4th - 12th, 2013
Examination: Feb 18th Monday
Result: 22th Feb. Friday
Deadline of subscribing: 14th March 

[Application Files]
(1) Application Form via Internet
(2) Photo (4cm x 3cm)
(3) Certification
(4) Transcript
(5) Recommendation letter
(6) 30,000yen (receipt copy/cash)
(7) Master Thesis and its abstract

<for foreign students>
- You must tell the desired laboratory to the admission office during 17th July to 17th Aug. (Sch-A)8th Jan to 1st Feb. (Sch-B). And you need to make an interview with your desired supervisor.
- "Keihishibensho" (Cost estimation sheet) is needed.
- Fill form your primary school to the application form on the internet.
- Send your "certificate of residence" and copy of your passport.

Here is our (rough) English translation of Ph.D course application from KAIT official website.
Original full text (in Japanese) is here.

Final PhD (Doctrant) admission will be held at 18th Feb.

2.Qualification for applicants

(1) Master degree or who graduates master course at March 2011.
(2) Foreigner who got Master degree or he/she will get Master degree at March 2011.
(3) Allowance by Ministry of Education
(4) Particular certification by KAIT (24 years old)
(5) Particular certification by KAIT (other)
*If you apply by (3),(4),(5) you need to ask details to KAIT admission office during June 20th-26th.

3. Schedule
[For Master degree and qualification (3),(4),(5)]
Application period 16th August - 23th August (as indicated by the postmark on the envelope)
Examination date 2010/Sep/1st
Announcement of application results: 2010/Sep/10th
Deadline of admission procedure: 2010/Sep/29th (as indicated by the postmark on the envelope)
Extended deadline of admission procedure: 2011/March/17th (as indicated by the postmark on the envelope)

[For Master degree candidate and Foreign Master Candidates]
Application period 16th August - 23th August (as indicated by the postmark on the envelope)
1st Examination date 2010/Sep/1st
1st Announcement of application results: 2010/Sep/10th
2nd Examination date 2011/Feb/8th
Announcement of application results: 2011/Feb/11th
Deadline of admission procedure: 2011/Feb/23rd (as indicated by the postmark on the envelope)
Extended deadline of admission procedure: 2011/March/17th (as indicated by the postmark on the envelope)

5.admission exam
English (60min)
Interview about your master thesis (writing will be charged if it needs)
*Japanese discussion may be charged for foreign students.

Admission Fee: 30,000 yen

General info by JASSO
EN FRANCAIS http://www.jasso.go.jp/study_j/sgtj_french.html#a